Wing Chun is the only traditional Martial Art invented by a Woman over
300 years ago, with the single goal to defend oneself in the minimum time,

using the minimum energy, yet with the maximum effectiveness.
Wing Chun does not rely on athletic agility, using brute force,
nor clash of force against force - rather, in how to redirect an opponent's energy against them, in order to overcome someone of a larger and stronger stature.

Today, concepts of Wing Chun has manifested into several Martial Art systems, and are also taught worldwide in many police forces, and bodyguard institutions.


After studying Wing Chun in the UK for 8 years, Marvon Wilkinson immigrated to Hong Kong where he studied Wing Chun under Sify NG Chun Hong for 14 years and is now committed to teaching NG Chun Hong Wing Chun in Canada in its pure and authentic form, Jing Jung.

“Jing Jung” meaning as handed down in its unmodified form through an authentic lineage of generations.

Sifu NG Chun Hong’s Wing Chun is of a unique essence, and it is this very same authentic Wing Chun that is taught at the Wing Chun Jing Jung Association (WCJJA.).


We teach traditional Wing Chun using a fun and modern approach – our students love it!

At the WCJJA we provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.

We will get you started on day-1 practicing Wing Chun techniques - the emphasis here is in learning how to apply Wing Chun in a real/practical situation.

We welcome students at any level - no prior experience needed, no prior fitness-level required.

1: New Class Program: - WING CHUN for Street Combat: results you can use on the streets!
- Tailored for today's busy professionals who seek effective results, quickly!
2: Strong Lineage: - Instructor: direct student of NG Chun-hong and 3rd Generation student of Yip Man (Ip Man).
- Instructor: studied Wing Chun 14 years in Hong Kong, 8 years in UK, and 12 years in Canada.
3: Personal attention: - Paired / one-on-one training (as close to private tuition you could get).
- Develops your confidence to apply your own natural reflexes when faced in combat.
4: Accessible & Affordable: - Superb location - downtown Toronto.
- Contact us for our highly competitive rates; NO contract & NO membership.
5: Great Environment : - Safe, friendly and fun place to practice Martial Arts.
- Anyone can learn Wing Chun irrespective of fitness, age, gender or stature ; whether for self-defense, health, or just fun.

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